Designing tomorrow’s lunar missions: Brown’s rising junior WaTae Mickey, Jr. contributes to future science

Q. What are you doing this summer?

A. I've been doing research with UTRA and right now I’m working with Professor James Head planning and designing a reference mission for a prolonged lunar exploration. My personal part in all this during the summer would be studying the origin of the Hadley Rille. What's the Hadley Rille you ask? Well, sinuous rilles are unusually long, river-like channels on the lunar surface, but unlike rivers, there's no water—especially near the Apollo 15 landing site.


Natan Rodrigues Ferreira: Taking to the stage to broaden access to bilingual community theater

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] —While acting in a comedy is fun, it can be more challenging than playing a serious character, according to rising Brown senior Natan Rodrigues Ferreira, who has dedicated his summer to the dramatic arts.

As an intern with Providence-based Teatro en el Verano, which translates to theater in the summer, Ferreira is bringing free, bilingual Spanish/English outdoor theater performances to communities across Rhode Island. As both a performer and an intern, his re...

From the classroom to the stage: Brown student becomes working actor for the summer in a comedic bilingual play

During his summer job with Teatro en el Verano, Ferreira’s duties not only include prompt attendance at rehearsals, performances, and all other official calls, such as setting up the stage before the show and packing up afterward, but also a deep study of the play. "I reconnect with my character in particularly, so I go in, I read all of my lines again, and go to every single scene, and understand my objective in that scene, my obstacle, and what strategy I am having to pass by my obstacle to ge...

A Legacy of Inclusion

Her story of living at a crossroads between many worlds began when Fruzzetti was three. Her father passed away, her 19-year-old mother became a widow, and her life in Eritrea drew to a close. She escaped the Eritrean war with her mother and younger brother to live as refugees in Sudan.Born to an Eritrean mother and an Italian father, Lina Fruzzetti arrived in the US as a young college student from Northeast Africa’s Nile River Valley in Sudan and the mountainous terrain of Eritrea. She went on t...

For this Brown University scholar, grey parrot trade offers a peek into both human and environmental history

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — At a farm in Uganda, Nancy Jacobs stared up into a tree. The sounds of church services and a baby’s cries filled the air, but a different assembly drew her attention: a congregation of grey parrots.

For years, Jacobs had extensively researched and written about the grey parrot, but until that day in 2022, the Brown University professor of history had never been close to the species in its natural habitat. She relished her first chance to watch the birds eat...

BIBI: An Unseen Hero in the Creative World

The question "Who inspires you?" often scares me. It's hard to explain that I lack a singular pop diva idol, a favorite Hollywood artist, or an iconic figure as my source of inspiration. For some people, that is just-not-possible—and their judgment is followed by "O.K.—Seriously! Who?"I come from a family that taught me from an early age that regardless of people's professions or who they are, humans are fundamentally the same; they sleep, they eat, and they go to the restroom. I remember that a...

Teaching the Ukraine War

In response to the war, Choices released a free Teaching with the News lesson in February 2022 titled “The Ukraine Crisis” that examined the geographic and historical background of the conflict, political cartoons about the war, and coverage of Ukraine in the news.

Within a month, the lesson had received nearly 109,000 page views, according to Rebecca Nedostup, faculty director of the Choices Program. This was the most hits a single page on the Choices site had received in the previous two year...

Inside the Tetro-Stunt Conspiracy: Scheme that Reached the Royal Family

Tony Tetro, recently featured as a guest on our panel about art forgery, and James Stunt are two of the names involved in an ongoing investigation into the sale of forged artworks. Stunt has been accused of selling false pieces, while Tetro is a well-known forger and the creator of some of Stunt’s pieces. Born in Los Angeles in 1950, Tetro is an American art forger known for reproducing the work of renowned artists. Though many believe he was driven by a desire for money and fame, he affirms t...